Having a Tilted Uterus Can be Tricky. This Menstrual Cup Can Help.

Having a Tilted Uterus Can be Tricky. This Menstrual Cup Can Help.

Emmy Kissinger
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The following information is a case study that documents one individual's journey to find a menstrual cup that worked despite having been diagnosed with a tilted uterus. Continue reading to learn more.


Tilted or Retroverted Uterus

Difficulty using a menstrual cup with a tilted uterus

Hannah, a nixit user recently commented on one of our social media posts letting us know that she was successfully using our menstrual cup with a tilted uterus. This was a big deal for a couple of reasons:

  1. We frequently receive messages from customers asking whether our product is an effective tool for individuals who have a tilted uterus.
  2. She had tried more than 10 menstrual cups before she found one that worked for her body!

After learning more about her situation, we decided that it was important to share Hannah’s story to give individuals who have a tilted uterus some hope when it comes to the period product options available!

First, let’s take a minute to hash out what it means to have a tilted or retroverted uterus. According to Healthline , “A retroverted uterus is a uterus that curves in a backward position at the cervix instead of a forward position.”

It is speculated that nearly a quarter of all menstruators have a tilted uterus. Those who have a tilted uterus often experience symptoms such as vaginal or lower back pain during sex, pain during menstruation, difficulty inserting tampons, uncomfortable pressure on the bladder, frequent UTI’s, and more.

Therefore, it can be a challenge to find a reusable menstrual cup that is compatible with a tilted uterus because users often experience challenges like:

  • Annoying bubbles related to the suction of the cup.
  • Frequent leaking during exercise or movement related to the cup losing suction.
  • Bladder discomfort resulting from the firmness of the cup pressing up against the bladder or abdomen.
  • Vaginal canal pain due to the stem of some cups rubbing constantly while inserted.


nixit is considered one of the softest and most supple menstrual cups on the market. Its thin base, made from medical grade silicone, makes nixit an excellent option for those who have a tilted uterus. This is because the soft silicone base is very supple which means that it can form perfectly to almost any type of vaginal fornix. Further, nixit sits in the vaginal fornix, rather than in the vaginal canal which means that users with a tilted cervix can generally use it without issue.


Fewer leaks and no discomfort

After giving nixit a go, Hannah was elated to find a menstrual cup that worked for her body. She was happy because she didn’t have to use any tampons, had no leaks, and actually found the cup to be comfortable.

Hannah shared, “With other cups, I found no matter what I couldn’t get a good seal/placement so even if I checked and thought it was placed properly, it would leak. [With other cups] It seemed like because of the position of my cervix/uterus it couldn’t catch everything. This also led to having to constantly adjust the cup and re-insert. I was always worried about leaks, which happened often. The stiffness of some of the other cups material and constant readjusting was very irritating. I love that I almost forget I’m wearing my nixit. It truly offers 12 hours of protection for me which is something I never thought I’d be able to have. I tried other disc products as well before that couldn’t stay in place and would leak. I think nixit’s rim is a great advantage there. Super comfortable and great coverage.”

Tips & Tricks

While success stories are awesome the most important thing is getting nixit to work well for each of our users. Sometimes the learning curve can be a bit tricky, especially for those with a tilted uterus so we thought it would make sense to include some tips from our users!

Hannah's Tips

When we asked Hannah if she had any tips to pass along she shared that her best advice is to, squish it thin, insert horizontally, and then start pushing it back/down. Then bear down to make sure it is in place after tucking it behind the pubic bone.

Jené's Tips

Jené was also willing to provide her input. Here's what she had to say!
-When inserting, instead of trying to pinch Nixit together in the middle or back, I pinch it closer towards the front so that it stays inflexible for as long as possible and kind of "feed" it in little by little so it's never too floppy or twists sideways. This is also important for me because even though the opening of the vagina is quite small, I mentally try to concentrate on inserting it in the lowest part of my vaginal opening as possible instead of the middle or top (whether or not that is anatomically correct). So if the vaginal opening is parentheses and the Nixit is a dash, I try to concentrate on keeping the Nixit as low as possible when inserting. Here (_) instead of here (-) if that makes sense. Difference between sliding a chopstick into a toilet paper tube dead center without touching any sides and sliding the chopstick into the tube scraping the bottom side.
-I also try to mentally angle it back (like a drawer) and down (like a ramp with the highest part behind the pubic bone and the lowest part in the back pointing to the rectum), again, whether or not that is anatomically correct or not I don't know. BUT so far that visual has worked for me. When I tuck it up behind my pubic bone, I really am not shy about it and make sure it is really tucked up there.
-The reason I try to keep it so low when inserting and angled down (and I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here) is that with a tilted/ off-center cervix if the cup/ disc is not underneath it--VERY easy to go too far past tilted cervixes with a cup--it leaks all over the place because the blood is dripping against the side of the cup and just coming down and out of the vagina. I think because I am irregularly shaped and because there is such a lower profile with the Nixit and it can conform to my different body shape, that's why it works better for me than a cup. Even when the cup was fully open and positioned correctly as instructed--I SWEAR!--and the suction holes weren't blocked when inserted, and it had fully unfolded, so often I would pull out the cup and there was very little blood inside and I had leaked all over. I think the side of the cup--no matter how short the cup was because it would just travel up the canal if it was shorter--just always rested Next to the cervix instead of UNDER with the blood dripping into it.

Lydia's Tips

Lydia shared that she had to experiment with inserting at different angles when inserting.

Patrice's Tips

Finally, our last tip comes from Patrice who said, the initial techniques she tried strained her muscles. She found it much easier to just slightly squat or even put a leg up onto the side of a tub or anything slightly raised. From there, she pretty much followed the directions provided to slide it until she could feel her pubic bone. Once she could find her pubic bone she would tuck it behind the ridge. She continued that because the cup is so wide it helps prevent leaking, even if it doesn't catch the blood it still never leaks which she finds relieving and amazing. Ultimately, she thinks that the angle she is able to get by propping her leg up on something as opposed to a serious squat helps her to better angle the cup in a way that it doesn't hit my cervix.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a tilted cervix/uterus?

A tilted cervix or uterus is a condition where the uterus or cervix is positioned differently than normal. Normally, the uterus and cervix are in a straight, vertical position, but in some people, the uterus or cervix may be tilted forward (anteverted), backward (retroverted), or to the side (lateral). This condition is common and typically does not cause any health problems.

Is a tilted cervix/uterus normal?

Yes, a tilted cervix or uterus is normal and occurs in many people. It's estimated that around 20-30% of people have a retroverted uterus, meaning their uterus is tilted towards their back rather than towards their abdomen. In most cases, a tilted cervix or uterus is not a cause for concern and does not require treatment.

Can a tilted cervix/uterus affect fertility?

In most cases, a tilted cervix or uterus does not affect fertility. However, in rare cases, a tilted uterus may be associated with infertility or difficulty getting pregnant. This is usually because the uterus is tilted in such a way that it makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg. However, treatment is usually not required, as the majority of people with a tilted cervix or uterus are still able to conceive naturally.

How is a tilted cervix/uterus diagnosed?

A tilted cervix or uterus can be diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam. A healthcare provider will use a speculum to examine the cervix and uterus and check for any abnormalities or variations in position. In some cases, an ultrasound may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of a tilted cervix/uterus?

In most cases, a tilted cervix or uterus does not cause any symptoms. However, some people may experience pain or discomfort during sex, as well as menstrual ramps or back pain. These symptoms are usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or other treatments recommended by a healthcare provider.

Have a Tilted Uterus?

If you have a tilted uterus and are curious to learn more about the nixit menstrual cup, click here.

Our mission is to create a space where we can talk openly about topics like these!

With that in mind, we would love to know… what has your experience been like using menstrual cups with a tilted uterus? We recognize that everyone is different so please share your story in the comments!

tilted uterus

Feature photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

How to use a menstrual cup with a tilted uterus

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