Period Packs: Partnership Spotlight

Period Packs: Partnership Spotlight

Chelsea Becker
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The time has come to share our last (but certainly not least!) partnership. It is with Period Packs and we are so happy to be sharing their story with you! Similar to our other partnerships we are still holding onto the deets for a little longer - we're not quite ready to share all of our secrets. Stay tuned for the full news, but for now, please take a minute to get to know this incredible organization.

Hi Nixit Fam!

At first glance not having a pad or tampon may seem like a messy inconvenience, but for 1/3 of menstruators in Canada a consistent lack of access is having far reaching effects on every aspect of their lives.

Period Packs is an Ottawa based organization which aims to address the disparities in menstrual equity in Canada. We think everyone has the right to a period free of shame and should have safe and free access to products.

Our vision is a world where people who menstruate can manage their cycles safely, and with dignity; where menstruation is accepted, celebrated and always on the agenda.

Period Packs exists to ensure that community members are able to access menstrual products barrier free. We are tackling menstrual inequity in three keyways; by providing access to products, advocating for policy reform, and championing education to destigmatize periods and everything that goes along with menstruating.

Here is a breakdown of what we do:


  1. We collect product donations from our community at our Drop Box Points hosted by local businesses
  2. Our team of incredible volunteers make Period Packs containing 8 pads and 6 tampons
  3. We distribute batches of packs to our community agencies partners where they can be easily accessed by folks who need them.

We partner with community organizations like the Ottawa Food Bank, Drop-ins and Shelters and Community Housing organizations across the city to distribute over 450 packs a month.


We have been working directly with the City of Ottawa and City Councillors over the past few months developing a comprehensive plans to address access on a municipal level. We have been funded by the COVID Emergency Relief Fund which has brought city wide attention to the issue.


  1. Through our social channels we have been able to build an engaged community. We keep them informed of the latest menstrual movement news and share period positive content, mainly in the form of memes.
  2. We host workshops for youth groups on menstrual health, menstrual inequity, and more generally about organizing around a social cause.

There are many contributing factors stopping menstruators all over the world from managing their cycles safely and with dignity. These barriers differ from place to place, region to region but are felt to some degree or another by people all over the world.

Here in Canada, Period Packs, along with other amazing menstrual equity advocacy groups work from all angles to address the barriers felt in our communities. It will take all of us to change the experiences of menstruators on a global scale, but together we can do it!

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